Daily Archives: December 10, 2020

Trying to Get Back to Normal: Another Tooth Adventure While Trying to Retire

Friends of Padre Steve’s World,

After another dental emergency and the beginning of a root canal after the tooth extraction and major jaw infection last month I am starting to catch up on what I need to be doing, getting ready to retire from the Navy. I still have some things to do, but the retirement ceremony is moving forward. You can catch it beginning about 1230 PM Eastern Standard Time, 0930 AM Pacific Standard Time, and 1830 or 6:30 PM Central European Time. Simply go to the Facebook Page of the Naval Air Station Oceana Dam Neck Annex Chapel Facebook page and you will be able to livestream it as it happens. The link is here. https://m.facebook.com/oceanadamneckannexchapel/

Tomorrow I have to go in to Norfolk to digitally sign my last bit of paperwork for my DD-214. Then I go to the Naval Medical Center for a CT Scan of the left side of my head to get a better look at what was going on with the infection that was the result of my first tooth issue last month, and finally visit the Shipyard to work with the petty officer working on my pre-retirement slide show. Then I can come home and pay attention to Judy and the pups after I get the garbage and recycle bins out.

I make no predictions about my personal future, because I tend to be more right about history and prognostications that don’t include me, but I do think that I will be able to get back to a relatively normal life. I can start finishing the last thing I have to do with my book to get it to the publisher, get the estimates I need to fix up out townhome to put it on the market, and get a new place that is more suitable for what we need. Also make sure I have the employment I need until the book is published. Then I can go on the book tour and take up a professorship at one of the local universities and finish the five books I have in process and get to work on others.

So anyway, until tomorrow,


Padre Steve+


Filed under life, Military, US Navy