Tag Archives: worst President ever

The End of a Criminal Presidency

Friends of Padre Steve’s World,

Today marks the end of the most malevolent, evil, and incompetent American Presidential administration in history and the worst President who ever served. James Buchanan, Andrew Johnson, Richard Nixon and Herbert Hoover must be breathing undead sighs of relief in their graves as Trump vaults over them all to claim the title of the worst, most malevolent, incompetent and evil man ever to hold the office. Their spirits might even be dancing on their graves in celebration tonight. I wonder what they are drinking, but I digress.

Even though he has less than twelve hours left in office he has been preparing a list of pardons, attempting to declassify documents related to the FBI’s investigation of his campaigns ties and connections with Russia in 2015 and 2016, and even discussing splitting the Republican Party by forming a new Party which he wants to name the Patriot Party. We cannot stop his pardons but they will further demonstrate his lack of respect for our laws by pardoning the worst of the worst: men and women who committed treason, others who defrauded millions of people of life savings, their properties, and finances, others whose crimes would only encourage others to do the same. Since he has already pardoned convicted war criminals I would not be surprised if he pardons more such people, as well as law enforcement officers convicted of crimes, and preventive pardons of political allies and White House staffers involved in illegal activities.

The number of crimes and criminal actives President Trump and henchmen is unsurpassed. Many of these have not yet been charged as the President used the powers of his office to protect himself from criminal prosecution and civil lawsuits.

He has not been charged with his manifold violations of the Hatch Act which was enacted to keep members of the Federal Government from enriching themselves or business interests at the expense of taxpayers. Federal funds from a multitude of agencies using Trump owned properties often paying far higher rates than allowed by the GSA or other Federal agencies.

He has not yet been fully charged or prosecuted for his collaboration with Russia, his support and instigation of Neo-Nazis and other White Supremacists at Charlottesville calling them “very fine people.”

He has not yet been charged with the actions of his administration against immigrants and refugees on the U.S. Mexican border where families were separated from their children with the whereabouts of hundreds, maybe thousands of children unaccounted for, while their parents were deported to countries that would not assist them with their applications for admission to the United States. Such actions by the Nazis were considered Crimes Against Humanity by the United States and the International Military Tribunal at Nuremberg. How we can allow an American President and his administration to escape prosecution for crimes we prosecuted the Nazis is incomprehensible. The same is true regarding the Coronavirus 19 Pandemic where Trump, fully realizing the deadly nature of the virus ignored it, denied it, hampered the CDC, FDA, his own Task Force, and State Governments from making a coordinated effort to contain the spread of the virus for a year, resulting in the infections of nearly 25 million people and the deaths of over 400,000 Americans, which is more than the number of our World War Two dead. It took nearly four years of war to lose the 405,000 World War II dead, but just a year to allow more than that number to die of COVID-19 and that battle is not done. It is expected that by the end of February that number will be more than a half a million Americans. The negligence, denial, and malfeasance of his actions in regard to COVID should also rise to the level of Crimes Against Humanity.

The President’s frequent use of physical threats against the press, political opponents or American Blacks is unheard of by any American President. Even before his election he encouraged his supporters to physically attack opponents and that he would pay for their legal fees.

His thugs have made numerous attacks against individuals, and even State Governors and legislatures, including armed assault on the Michigan Statehouse in April, and one the United States Capitol, Congress, and his own Vice President on 6 January. His incitement of the 6 January attack was so heinous that he was impeached a second time for inciting an insurrection which killed people including a Capitol Police Officer and injuring over twenty five more Capitol Police and Washington D.C. Metro Police who were attempting to defend the Capitol and Congress. One officer was beaten with a Back the Blue flag on a flagpole, while other terrorists called the police who stood their ground traitors even as they threatened to find and kill Speaker Nancy Pelosi and hang Vice President Mike Pence. After delaying any comment for hours while watching the President issued a video statement asking the attackers to leave while praising them and expressing his “love” for them.

Since the failed Coup attempt Trump has always been uncharacteristically silent, but since he has been banned by almost every social media site, especially Twitter, he has lost his his voice. He can only make video statements which he can only hope are played by the media. Meanwhile some of his thugs still appear to be ready to disrupt the inauguration through violence, but if they do so he will not be in town. He will be in the air on his way to Mar El Largo after an anyone on his email list and their five best friends who wants to brave D.C. rush hour traffic for his departure ceremony at Joint Base Andrews-Anacostia. Anthony Scaramouche declined saying that he was having his fingernails pulled out and couldn’t attend. Vice President Pence and Mitch McConnell will be at the Capitol preparing for the inauguration of President Biden. While it appears that Trump will get some kind of relatively small military send off including an honor guard and color guard it is not yet known if he will get his military band or 21 gun salute. Evidently he also plans on making some kind of speech which if it is extemporaneous will be a disaster that may assist Federal and  State prosecutors and just might ensure his conviction in his impeachment trial.

In addition to Trump’s escape from D.C. and the inauguration of President Biden  we still have to be concerned about violent acts by Trump Cultists in, around and outside of Washington D.C. they will certainly fail if they try but one cannot take any chances with desperate and violent true believers, even after the inauguration. Any violence or attacks must be met with superior firepower and no quarter. Terrorists don’t get mercy when they attack the very foundations of our country, Constitution and democracy. Those who exchange their ballots for bullets in order to overthrow our Republic, Constitution and democracy deserve every bullet that hits them, especially the Neo-Nazis.

It may seem contradictory but I wish you peace,

Padre Steve+



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Filed under civil rights, civil war, Coronavirus 19 Pandemic, crimes against humanity, ethics, leadership, Military, national security, News and current events, Political Commentary