The Vision of the Alt-Right Nazis: Allied Footage of the Nazi Concentration Camps

Friends of Padre Steve’s World,

I am going to keep this short today. Bottom line up front I have grown weary of the moral equivalency that I see in the comments of many conservatives, especially conservative Christians, including friends who cannot seem to find the courage to publicly denounce the White Supremacists of the Alt-Right, or as they should be labeled Nazis, because that is what they are. 

I returned from my vacation yesterday and of course I heard the President’s two day’s late and devoid of passion statement about the Nazi caused violence in Charlottesville. They were nice words, and had he said them two days ago, or tweeted them as quickly as he denounces his critics I might have believed his words. Truth be told, I’ll believe him when his actions match his words, but I digress… 

Last night I watched the movie Nuremberg just to remind myself of the evils of Naziism. During the scene where the prosecution shows the film made by the allies on the liberation of various Nazi Concentration Camps I wept. I have seen them before, but after the public display made by the American Nazis of the Alt-Right this weekend I was horrified to see so many people use the argument of moral equivalency to dismiss criticism of the Nazis. The argument that, “yes this was bad, but…”  was so prevalent that among so many Christians that I wanted to throw up. 

But today I want to remind people about when they refuse to take a public stand regarding the evil of White Supremacy, whether it be in its American form of the KKK, or the most notorious, that of the Nazis. Honestly, I have a hard time believing that anyone who calls themeselves a patriotic American, or a Christian is either if they let the lies, hatred, and violence of these Nazis, who now call themselves the Alt-Right go unopposed. 

What is the desired end state that the Nazis of the Alt-Right? It is the deaths of those who oppose them and the establishment of a ethnocentric, or racist state. That has always been their goal, whether they be the Jim Crow loving, slavery supporting, American racists, or those who followed, or still subscribe to  Adolf Hitler’s anti-Semitic theories of the Master Race

So here’s the deal. Watch the film that was show at Nuremberg, all of it. Then, if you have the slightest compunction to sweep the words and the actions of this latest bunch of American Nazis under the rug, then just own the name and title of Nazi. 

Here’s the film, and don’t bother with the popcorn, if you have a soul you’ll probably vomit it. 

Until tomorrow,


Padre Steve+


Filed under civil rights, holocaust, nazi germany, News and current events, Political Commentary

2 responses to “The Vision of the Alt-Right Nazis: Allied Footage of the Nazi Concentration Camps

  1. Pingback: The Vision of the Alt-Right Nazis: Allied Footage of the Nazi Concentration Camps — Padre Steve’s World…Musings of a Progressive Realist in Wonderland | Talmidimblogging

  2. Bill McReynolds

    The parallels between now and the ultimate rise of the Nazis in Germany, are chilling. So much of the diabolical apparatus needed for such hatred and evil to grow and flourish, is being built in the USA now. We even have our own scattered version of Julius Streicher (Der Sturmer!) that is easily found in the message of Rush Limbaugh, The Blaze, Breitbart Report and even Fox News & Friends…. all the ready propaganda, hatred and lies of the far right, served up for ‘The Indoctrinated Faithful’ of America to consume. And as it was in the pre-war Nazi Germany, we’re seeing that a steady diet of this toxic stuff makes people already on the edge, just basically lose their minds…. The far right media apparatus that has excused this behavior and is basically enabling the events that are happening now, needs to be shut down! The entire Alt-Right movement that is serving as top cover for all of these radical white supremacy groups, is NOT a new normal for the USA. This is dangerous. Shut Down The Alt Right! Shut Them ALL Down!

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