Daily Archives: June 25, 2013

The Heresy of Thinking and Reason in an Age of Fanaticism

The Inglorius Padre Steve's World

Note: I felt the need to republish this article in light of so many of the controversies that have been in the news lately, especially because some of the visceral reactions that I see from so many people about them. I just hope that people take the time to try to get as much of each story and controversy possible, examine them in the light of history and reason before jumping to unsubstantiated conclusions. The fact is that many of us do precisely this and that is in large part due to how terribly divided we are. However, that being said there is seldom any issue that is totally clear, most actually are quite opaque and clouded in the fog of many shades of gray, and what history teaches us is that we need to be careful before jumping to conclusions.


Padre Steve+

“Unreason and anti-intellectualism abominate thought. Thinking…

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Filed under Loose thoughts and musings

The Heresy of Thinking and Reason in an Age of Fanaticism

The Heresy of Thinking and Reason in an Age of Fanaticism.

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Filed under History, philosophy, Political Commentary