Daily Archives: April 17, 2018

The Political, Media, and Legal Ménage à Trois of Trump, Hannity, and Cohen Exposed


Friends of Padre Steve’s World,

The irony and intrigue of the incestuous relationship of President with members of the Fox News team, especially the college dropout and blowhard extraordinaire Sean Hannity. Trump promotes Hannity and his show, Hannity protects him with a daily propaganda barrage and both have the same lawyer. This is a political, legal, and propaganda ménage à trois for the ages.

The story really exploded last week when Special Counsel Robert Muller and the Southern district of New York Department of Justice team raided the offices of Trump personal lawyer and consigliere Michael Cohen. The President went to battle stations on Twitter claiming that action, cleared by a Federal Judge was illegal and violated attorney-client privilege.  Hannity used his show to go on the warpath against Muller only to be exposed today in court as the previously unnamed client of Cohen. Even the flagrant O.J. Simpson and Trump defender Alan Dershowitz when on Hannity’s show Monday night to school Hannity on how smart it would have been if Hannity had revealed his relationship with with the consigliere before defending him by attacking Muller.  To which Hannity responded: “It ain’t the way I wanted it! I can handle things! I’m smart! Not like everybody says… like dumb… I’m smart and I want respect!”

Hannity’s defense of his actions was ludicrous. Cohen named him in court and he denied it. If Hannity is telling the truth that meant that Cohen perjured himself in Federal Court, and Cohen, despite his hubris is not so stupid as to commit perjury to defend Sean Hannity; his Godfather maybe but not Fredo. Somehow i imagine that somewhere in the night, the President while devouring a bucket of fried chicken is thinking of both Cohen and Hannity: “Fredo, you’re nothing to me now.”

trump hannity cohen

Right now this is simply a ménage à trois but Lordy, Lordy, Lordy, it could become a full blown Right Wing Studio 54 orgy once Cohen’s files, tapes, and other sundry secrets are revealed. My God it will be fun to see who else was at the orgy.

Until tomorrow,


Padre Steve+




Filed under film, News and current events, Political Commentary