Daily Archives: March 7, 2020

The End of an Exhausting Week: Community, Coronavirus, and Comparisons to the Past

Friends of Padre Steve’s World,

The past week has been difficult with the corporate destruction of what used to be our version of Cheers, battling the emotions that came with that, as well as a couple day relapse into coughing most of the night and being unable to get any sleep, and obey the directive, that if one was sick one should not go to work. But, even so I was unable to get anything of substance accomplished, tired, and drained both emotionally and physically, by Wednesday night I was on the mend and able to go back to work yesterday and today. However, Thursday was busy but at the same time productive, even though I was running as if my Warp Core had been drained and I could barely get by on Impulse power. I slept fairly well Thursday night and today my propulsion and other systems were nearly back to normal.

Friday evening we were able to reunite with a good number of friends and some of our former bartenders and General Manager of our Gordon Biersch met at a locally owned Irish restaurant and bar, where the management and employees welcomed us, expressing the shock and surprise at what happened. It was a night to reunite with our friends, our extended family and community. It was nice, we were all on the same side on the bar, and the former customers were paying for the meals and drinks of those who over the last decade did so much to take care of us.

I have a number of things I will be writing about over the next few days; the Coronavirus 19 pandemic and our government’s mostly inane response to it, Season Three of Babylon Berlin, and the anniversary of the historic duel between the USS Monitor and the CSS Virginia, as well as the race for the Democratic Party nomination to run against President Trump in November, and the challenges that face the United States and World in light of the Coronavirus. Likewise, I need to update you on my Reading Rainbow. 

There are some interesting historical parallels to now and the events during the years between the First and Second World Wars which are worth exploring, including the Spanish Flu Pandemic of 1918-1919, world economic fluctuations which culminated in the Great Depression, as well as the rise of Left and Right Wing extremist parties that brought about the authoritarian rule of various Fascist, Communist, and Racist parties in Europe and Asia, which also spread to the United States and Great Britain, but in the latter they did not seize control, as they did in Germany, Russia, Italy, Hungary, Poland, Japan, and other smaller, less powerful countries; nor did they destroy the democratic and constitutional underpinnings of government as they did in France in the 1930s. However, as always I digress.

I am tired and need to get to sleep. I promise to get back on schedule, even as I watch Izzy and Pierre having their nightly Papillon war at my feet. So until sometime Saturday night or Sunday morning I wish you all well.


Padre Steve+


Filed under Diseases Epidemics and Pandemics, healthcare, History, Loose thoughts and musings, Political Commentary