Daily Archives: June 29, 2015

Deny the Liberty of the Enemies of God: Christian Politics

Friends of Padre Steve’s World

In the past couple of days I have had a number of comments from Christian opponents of my stand on Gay marriage on this site. One commentator was quite polite and our subsequent conversations have been both civil and Christian in their tenor. I can hand those who disagree with my views, even when they are strongly held by the people who disagree with me. At the same time there are others whose words and demonstrate not only disagreement, but hate and the absence of Christian Charity.

In light of the latter I am reposting this article from March where I deal with those who are so strongly partisan in their politics and at the same time call themselves Christian.

I am not a fan of such people for they appeal to the concept of a Christian theocracy which is absent from the New Testament, including the writings of the Apostle Paul who enunciated the doctrine of the “two kingdoms” the spiritual and the secular in Romans 13, the great Protestant Reformer Martin Luther echoed in his teachings.

The whole idea that Christians can use the government to deny rights to people who they either disagree with or, sadly in many cases, not only disagree, but condemn those with whom they disagree to judgement in both this life and the next.

As far as what I will be writing about this week, expect some articles that will follow up what I have written about in regard to Gay marriage and to the aftermath of the Emmanuel AME massacre in Charleston. I also expect to also be writing some about the Battle of Gettysburg this week as well as the revolutionary impact of the Declaration of Independence since Saturday is Independence Day.


Padre Steve+

Have a great night.

The Inglorius Padre Steve's World


“We think we’ve come so far. Torture of heretics, burning of witches it’s all ancient history. Then – before you can blink an eye – suddenly it threatens to start all over again.” Captain Jean Luc Picard, Star Trek the Next Generation “The Drumhead”

I expect that this article and subject might make some people uncomfortable but it is something that I need to return to yet again. I fear what is happening to our country, and the agenda of the politically motivated Christian Right and its leaders,especially those who are using what is known as Seven Mountainsor Dominionist theology to implement laws at local and state level. These laws damage the fabric of society and encourage discrimination in order to solidify the political power of a minority of conservative Christians.

I get very frustrated and tired of the way many leaders of the American Religious Right, that political…

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